The Mission of "Bopomofo" Cuisine

At the end of last year, I joined a special mission that resembled #APhotoADay. It's called #注音美食任務, namely in English, The Mission of Bopomofo Cuisine. "Bopomofo" are the sound of the first four characters of the Taiwanese Phonetic Symbol System.
This activity starts out from a night chat of one of my private postcrosser society on Facebook. We were initially talking about a photo a day, then somehow it ends up with a Taiwanese version along with fooooooooods. LOL.

I started out of this one:

It's rice, which starts with the sound of "bo(ㄅ)."

The mission was quite easy at first during the consonants, however it became extremely hard when we entered the part of rhymes and medials! How do you find a food that starts with the sound of "yu?!"
(I still find one, anyway. Haha.)

Happy 2015 the New Year!!!!! <3

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