Under The Sea, In The Aquarium

You can feel the power of the ocean and water. This picture is just the right one to demonstrate the flourish plantation under the surface!!! (Not the sovereignty of some kind of Sea God with a trident lol)

This post is all about the beautiful seascape I caught in the local aquarium. No issues in it!!!

It's just like the cartoonic scene in The Little Mermaid, lovely. <3


Pottermore: The Power of Language

I can't be more magical than this. lol

Pottermore is a website directed by J.K.Rowling, which as the title says, more Potter in it. The main idea of the site is to give Potter fans a whole new expanded experience of the magic world, but I think it's more like a therapy for those who are sufferring from the "Post Potter Syndrom." lol again.

So what's all these Harry Potter things related to language?

It went like this: The Pottermore website will officially open in October, but from 7/31~8/6, if you can complete the Magic Quill Promotion, you can win an early access account into Pottermore beta site before the grand opening and get a sneak peek. Yet, everyday's registration is limited, and you have to get on to the site at the right timing to find the quill, or you can only find the registration spaces are full.

I was informed when Day 3 registration was closed, and I missed Day 4 because a miscalculation of changing BST(British Summer Time) into Taiwan's time zone, which is 7 hours earlier than the former. To get on the site at the right time may sound hard, yet the Pottermore facebook fan page saves the day--everyday Pottermore Insider(I'm not quitr sure) will release a time session when the clue of the magic quill will show up, and people on the fanpage talks about it. However, it's all in English--the clue is in English, discussions are in English, the spells and items and specific nones only appeare in HP are all in English--I'm glad I read The Deathly Hallows in English and learned almost all the spells in Englsh.

I can't imgine what would I miss if I weren't a bilingual--I'm not going to get a special ticket into Pottermore, I can't understand what the early-released The Son of Neptune chapter 1 was talking about, I can't even relize all the funny animated comics on Lego Star Wars(very funny and cute, especilly the clone troopers!)

It's probably a little unfair for forigners, but hey, it's an advantage. Now I got to conmunnicate with the 2 biggest country in the world--the US & our not-so-friendly neighbor(lol).

Yeh, The Power of Love →→→Language.